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Type: Follower
Rarity: Legendary
Set: Rebirth of Glory (Rotation)
Cost: 3

Base:Stats: 1/5
Effect: Fanfare: If Vengeance is active for you, gain the ability to evolve for 0 evolution points.
Whenever an enemy follower comes into play, deal 1 damage to the enemy leader and restore 1 defense to your leader.

Evolved:Stats: 5/5
Effect: Whenever an enemy follower comes into play, deal 1 damage to the enemy leader and restore 1 defense to your leader.
During your turn, whenever this follower attacks and destroys an enemy follower, if this follower is not destroyed, restore 4 defense to this follower.

Base Flair
Upon tragedy, a new hope is born. Upon betrayal, a new hand takes hold of power. Only through his determination was he able to cut off the bonds that held him back.
"Consorting with allies is but a crutch for the weak—only the powerful reign supreme on their own!"

Evolved Flair
Regardless of the people's ignorance of truth, I shall continue down this path. An unstoppable rush of power fills my body... Gone is my former powerless self.
"A tragedy is about to begin... I'll take the throne with my very own hands!"

Japanese/日本語 English Korean/한국어
Evo Attack
Evo Death
Evo Effect