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Type: Follower
Rarity: Legendary
Set: Verdant Conflict (Rotation)
Cost: 3

Base:Stats: 1/3
Effect: Fanfare: Deal 1 damage to your leader and X damage to all enemy followers. X equals this follower's attack.
Last Words: Deal 1 damage to your leader. Put a 3/5 Kudlak into your deck.

Evolved:Stats: 3/5
Effect: Last Words: Deal 1 damage to your leader. Put 3 copies of a 3/5 Kudlak into your deck.

Base Flair
Let us spread pestilence. Let us trample the harvest underfoot. Your bodies are lesions. Your strength, a disease. If you would resist, prepare yourselves. The human who strikes me down will be reviled throughout the ages for their sins.

Evolved Flair
Let us spread pathology. Let us blight the harvests. Hawthorn stake. White amnion. If you cannot prepare both, you will die. The human who tells me tales of the end will be lauded throughout the ages for their heroism.

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