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Type: Follower
Rarity: Gold
Set: World Uprooted (Rotation)
Cost: 5

Base:Stats: 2/2
Effect: Fanfare: Recover 4 play points.
Whenever you play a card, if it's the fifth card or later played this turn, draw a card.

Evolved:Stats: 4/4
Effect: Whenever you play a card, if it's the fifth card or later played this turn, draw a card.

Base Flair
Walking through the forest, sunlight peeks through the treetops and petals dance along the breeze. A smiling girl appears before you. When you meet her gaze, the breeze picks up into a gentle wind, beckoning you forth. Dare you follow this fairy's caress?

Evolved Flair
Continuing through the forest, the aroma of flowers fills the air and the leaves begin a graceful descent to the ground. The girl grins and begins a whimsical dance. Wind envelops you, an invitation to join. Dare you surrender to the whims of the fay?