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Type: Follower (Natura)
Rarity: Gold
Set: World Uprooted (Rotation)
Cost: 2

Base:Stats: 2/2
Effect: Fanfare: If any cards were discarded from your hand this turn, gain the ability to evolve for 0 evolution points.

Evolved:Stats: 4/4
Effect: Evolve: Deal 2 damage to an enemy follower and then 2 damage to the enemy leader.

Base Flair
Seeing how fiercely it headbutts the crags, I just can't get enough! From the jewels on its shoulders, to the gem on its head—bet it's worth a fortune. Need to get my hands on one of them...
—Intrepid Crook, on His Visit to Dinosaur Island

Evolved Flair
To change is to survive. It was a harsh environment, but they learned to adapt long ago—pride would not let them surrender. Just as running water cannot truly be caught, they had rejected stagnation.
—Jurassic Resistance, Part 3