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Type: Follower (Natura)
Rarity: Legendary
Set: World Uprooted (Rotation)
Cost: 5

Base:Stats: 3/3
Effect: Rush.
Fanfare: Necromancy (4) - Summon a Nightmare Devourer. Repeat for remaining shadows or until your area is full.
Last Words: Randomly activate 1 of the following effects.
-Restore 2 defense to your leader.
-Gain 2 shadows.

Evolved:Stats: 5/5
Effect: Rush.
Last Words: Randomly activate 1 of the following effects.
-Restore 2 defense to your leader.
-Gain 2 shadows.

Base Flair
Why come back from the dead? To once again taste the sweetness of sleep. So is the nature of the spectral baku. It wanders in an eternal dream—dragging in those from the outside that would try to disturb it, leaving halcyon silence in its wake.

Evolved Flair
Hey, beast. Sorry, but I can't accept these terms. You want to know my policy? It's this: I'll sleep when I'm alive. Keeps the soul burning. Don't get it? Here, let me play you a number: "Midday Death Napper."
—He Who Once Rocked