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Type: Follower (Officer)
Rarity: Bronze
Set: Fortune (Rotation)
Cost: 5

Base:Stats: 4/5
Effect: Fanfare: If an allied Commander card is in play, evolve this follower.

Evolved:Stats: 6/7

Base Flair
The way I see it, one soldier is both a force unto herself and part of a greater force. Many of our brethren have paved the way, so that someone might deal the foe a crushing blow. If I'm chosen to be the spearhead, my victory will be your victory as well.

Evolved Flair
Oh, glorious day. I've been chosen to carry the hopes of my comrades. But please, don't forget: the reason my lance can deal this final blow is because you, my brothers and sisters in arms, have pierced a path to victory.