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Type: Follower
Rarity: Bronze
Set: Fortune (Rotation)
Cost: 2

Base:Stats: 1/2
Effect: Fanfare: Enhance (4) - Summon a Tropical Grouper.
During your turn, whenever another allied follower evolves, summon a Tropical Grouper.

Evolved:Stats: 3/4
Effect: During your turn, whenever another allied follower evolves, summon a Tropical Grouper.

Base Flair
Today I learned that the young live in waters with few predators. They're quite docile and reproduce quickly, darting about in schools for safety. Breathtaking. Like rainbows of the deep.
—A Traveler

Evolved Flair
As adults, they invade calm waters lookin' for easy pickin's. Savage is what they are, swarmin' all over like locusts of the sea. If you see those colors, you'd better not be in the water!
—Local Angler