Type: Follower
Rarity: Bronze
Set: Fortune (Rotation)
Cost: 5
Base:Stats: 5/4
Effect: Fanfare: If there are any allied amulets in play, evolve this follower.
Evolved:Stats: 7/6
Base Flair
A treasure chest is like a door to the future. All that glitters within its confines will afford you a happier tomorrow, yet death can just as easily slam the lid closed. But who decides that outcome: the gods or something worse? —An Adventurer's Musings
Evolved Flair
It's not a box, per se, but a gateway: one that opens up to Amenta itself, and, once it slams shut behind you, will never let you leave. Don't bother trying to force the door open either; you'll know if it wants you to go through.
—An Adventurer's Musings