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Type: Follower
Rarity: Gold
Set: Fortune (Rotation)
Cost: 7

Base:Stats: 7/7
Effect: Accelerate (1): Deal 1 damage to your leader. Deal 2 damage to an enemy follower.
Fanfare: If Wrath is active for you, deal 4 damage to an enemy and restore 4 defense to your leader.

Evolved:Stats: 9/9
Effect: Rush.

Base Flair
Indeed I am the Seven of Swords, mark of inequity. Vows be broken, contracts be damned. I live for myself. I invite you to partake in foul inequity and frivolous injustice for my amusement.

Evolved Flair
Allow me to whisper sweet nightmares into your ears. Everyone is merely a piece in a bigger game. Friend or foe, I make no distinction. I just want to sneer at the world.